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Exterior Simpson® Doors in Santa Clara County & San Mateo County, CA

Wooden doors offer a timeless, earthy appearance that looks excellent in rustic, traditional, and modern homes. As leading installers, we recommend choosing exterior Simpson® doors in Santa Clara County & San Mateo County, CA. The Simpson® brand has over 100 years of experience in the wooden door manufacturing industry. Our team is fully knowledgeable about the brand and its products. Our installations come with a lifetime warranty, so you can feel at peace while admiring and enjoying the exterior door of your dreams.

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Simpson Door Company

simpson's front door

About Simpson® Doors

The Simpson® Doors company has been manufacturing top-quality wood doors for over a century. Founded in 1912, the company’s teams work together to devise, design, create, and produce among the most sought-after doors in the U.S. Their exterior doors are customized in a wide range of woods, glass types, and sizes. Each product is carefully handcrafted to achieve the customer’s unique aesthetics and function. From standard to decorative doors, Simpson® will provide you with a product you absolutely love.

simpson's front door

Outstanding Performance and Durability

Simpson’s® commitment to exposure resistance is unmatched. The team at Simpson® stands by their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Proven Construction Methods: Using West Hemlock, Douglas Fir, Sapele Mahogany, Nootka Cypress, Simpson’s construction process is unbeatable.
  • WaterBarrier® Technology: The UltraBlock technology contains a one-piece Medium Density Overlay (MDO), enabling Simpson® doors to sustain the most intense exposures and moisture absorption.
  • UltraBlock® Technology: Water doesn’t stand a chance against Simpson’s® UltraBlock® Technology, which prevents warping, buckling, and swelling with ease.

Your Source for the Finest Wood Doors

Over 100 years of homeowners have chosen Simpson® wood doors to complete their entry and doorways and elevate their homes. The company has built an outstanding legacy for exceptional craft and dedication to improving its products throughout time. The team at Anderson Window and Door Installation is proud to install wood doors from this one-of-a-kind brand to satisfy our customers. If you want a durable, beautiful, and long-lasting wood door for your new build or remodel, we would love to help you make the right decisions for your home.

Inspiration at your door logo

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